
"First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."  ...Thomas Kempis (1380 -1471) The Imitation of Christ


Our Mission:  To glorify God and share His love through products that bring strength and encouragement to the family of humanity.

We're excited about the recent release of our "Peace Piece" - a colorful puzzle piece magnet and prayer card featuring the phrase "No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace."  This piece was prayerfully produced to keep these words before us each day (on the refrigerator, file cabinet at work, or toolbox in the garage) reminding us of the peace we find in knowing Jesus.

Designed as a small token to share with others, sharing a "Peace Piece" is a way to leave a lasting gift, an ever-present reminder to seek peace through knowing Jesus.  Customers tell us they keep extra on hand in their vehicle, briefcase, desk, and luggage so they're ready to share at any moment.  Write and tell us how you share them, and we'll send you three free "peaces!"  Thank you for visiting!

Our Everyday Blessings Team


The Puzzle Begins

Several years ago, the phrase "No Jesus, No Peace.  Know Jesus, Know Peace" was printed in the newsletter of our small country church.  I cut it out and taped it to the back of my office door as a constant reminder.  One day, while reflecting on the phrase, I realized, "Everyone needs to know this," and began to ponder what I could leave with people to remind them of the peace they may know when they have a relationship with Jesus.

With the Lord's guidance, I began to develop a small "pocket piece" shaped like a puzzle piece (the corner piece, of course, because Jesus should be our foundation "cornerstone," our "corner piece!") and search for Bible verses to accompany the piece.  I soon realized a magnet would be much more effective than a pocket piece.  However, friend Ana reminded me, "Jesus loves us to pieces!"  Stay tuned to see where that may lead us!

Many, many thanks to the people who assisted me on this little journey by answering a thousand questions, guiding my thoughts, approving or otherwise my ideas, assisting with the artwork and graphic design (THANK YOU, Joshua Fultz!), organizing this website (THANK YOU, Keith Detwieler!) and lending constant moral support.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  May God continue to bless you all abundantly!

To God be ALL the glory!

Blessings and peace,


Owner, Our Everyday Blessings